Ink Assassins staff consists of some of the most skilled and educated piercers in the tri-state area. Our piercing crew have dedicated year after year of studying and expanding their knowledge on piercings, jewelry, and proper healing techniques. Don’t settle for hack jobs piercing out of their homes or sketchy “shops”. Many of these places do not have any knowledge of the proper jewelry to use or even keep any in stock. Beware of “professionals” that are reusing gross piercing guns on body parts they have no business being used on (yes all of these things are happening right here in Erie). Get pierced right the first time and save yourself the hassle of finding out what a cheap, low quality and improper piercing is like.
To book a piercing appointment CLICK HERE.
For other piercings stop by for a consultation with our Piercer.
To book a piercing appointment CLICK HERE.
PIERCING / STARTING PRICE (includes basic jewelry)
Optional gems are available on many piercings for an additional fee.
Ashley (bottom lip) – $70
Bridge – $75
Cartilage/Helix (with ring) – $55
Cartilage/Helix (with stud) – $55
Daith – $80
Earlobe – $50
Earlobe x 2 – $80
Eyebrow (with ring) – $65
Eyebrow (with curved barbell) – $65
Genitals – $125 (18+ only)
Industrial – $80
Inner Conch (with ring) – $70
Inner Conch (with stud) – $70
Labret – $75
Labret (vertical) – $80
Lip (with ring) – $75
Lip (with stud) – $75
Medusa / Philthrum – $80
Monroe – $80
Navel (belly button) – $70
Nipple (with ring) – $70 (18+ only)
Nipple (with barbell) – $70 (18+ only)
Nipple x 2 (with rings) – $125 (18+ only)
Nipple x 2 (with barbells) – $125 (18+ only)
Nostril – $60
Rook (with ring) – $65
Rook (with curved barbell) – $65
Scrumper (Smiley) – $85
Septum – $80
Snug – $65
Tongue (vertical only) – $80
Tragus (with ring) – $70
Tragus (with stud) – $70
Dermal Anchor (flat disc) – $90
Dermal Anchor (flat gem) – $100
Dermal Anchor x 2 (flat disc) – $160
Dermal Anchor x 2 (flat gems) – $160
Jewelry Change / Removal – $10
Stretching – $10
Dermal Anchor Removal – $10 – $30 per anchor